OpenStreetMap Calendar Calendar

London virtual OSM social

Westminster, England, United Kingdom

23rd May 2021 20:00 – 23:00

A social get-together for London OpenStreetMap enthusiasts and anyone else who happens to find 8pm London time a good time for an OpenStreetMap zoom call!

Line up some beers (non-alcoholic drinks also allowed) and we'll crack them open on a video link while we chat about all things OpenStreetMap. It'll mostly be undirected social chit-chat, but we may also have a shared pan around the London map to steer discussion towards London mapping. It's also a good place to ask questions about OpenStreetMap and learn more from the experts. So do you need to be an OSMLondoner? No! Everyone is welcome!

It'll be a Zoom call. Everyone has zoom installed by now no? The zoom link will be published on the wiki: , maybe only on the day. Go find it there.

Created by Harry Wood