Missing Maps mapathon Slovakia online #3
District of Žilina, Region of Žilina, Slovakia
Slovenský Červený kríž územný spolok Žilina
Missing Maps mapathon Slovakia online #3 will take place in Slovak and Czech on May 27, 2021 from 18:00 to 20:30 hybrid: venue (Slovak Red Cross in Žilina) and online (MS Teams). It will be open to the general public and free admission. It will be need to have your own laptop and we also recommend a PC mouse for better vectorization of the territory.
During our volunteer event, we will create a map of the area that is affected by some kind of humanitarian crisis. Our help will enable more effective and faster assistance to people in need.
Missing Maps Slovakia is a community of volunteers who organize mapathons in Slovakia for the Missing Maps project and do local mapping into OpenStreetMap. More information can be found on the website http://www.missingmaps.sk.