OpenStreetMap Calendar Calendar

#VisibleWomen : an initiative by Kathmandu Living Labs to put women on the map

Kathmandu, Nepal
Nepal (Zoom)

8th March 2021 13:00 – 14:30

Kathmandu Living Labs is celebrating this International Women's Day with this year's theme 'Choose to Challenge' - choose to challenge gender inequality, choose to challenge the representation of women, choose to seek out and celebrate women's achievements, and choose to help create an inclusive world.

We attempt to do this through our initiative #VisibleWomen by creating a synergistic force of women in OSM. This event will be the first of many to connect women in OSM together to create a bigger space for women.

Expect to meet like-minded women from OSM Nepal, connect, network, and converse on ways we can engage and empower more women through OSM. Engage in a hands-on mapping session afterward to visualize the extremely marginalized Badi community of Nepal on the map.

Created by Aiiiii