OpenStreetMap Calendar Calendar

Missing Maps London: (Online) Mid-Month Mapathon [eng]

Online: Zoom

15th April 18:00 – 21:00 (Europe/London)

What is it?

The Missing Maps Project Mid-Month Mapathon is an event where a group of mappers get together to contribute to humanitarian mapping projects simultaneously. During the event mappers can support one another by sharing tools, advice and answering one another's questions.

Mapping will be co-ordinated using the Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team Tasking Manager(HOT TM) and/or MapRoulette.

This event is London based in name only. Since we have moved to virtual events we have been getting attendees from all over the world - we heartily welcome this!

Unlike the Missing Maps London Mapathon this event does not include a dedicated training segment, and the projects can be more challenging, given that it is not intended for beginers.

What do I need?

You will need to already be a confident mapper in JOSM to attend this event. Other than that:

  • A ticket
  • A laptop or desktop with an internet connection
  • A mouse (a mouse isn't absolutely necessary but it does makes the mapping A LOT faster)

Please do not hesitate to join if you are dialling in from an active context - this is a family & pet friendly event! Consumption of food and drink during the event is also highly encouraged.

During the break/or a suitable moment, we would like to capitalise on your attendance to explore our current practices/processes, to better improve the overall mapping experience, so please bring your thinking caps along too.

At this point there is also the opportunity for you to be part of the Missing Maps London Working Group [MMLWG] for experienced mappers - please email for more info on how to access our 'Slack' channel(s) and other materials!

What do I do now?

  1. Get yourself a ticket for this event. If the ticketing website throws an error when you attempt to order a ticket; please try again.
  2. Set a reminder so you remember; ticketing services may not notify you.
  3. If you come across any mapping situations you're unsure about before the mapathon; make a note of them and ask ask about them during the event.

See you there!

Time Zone Converter

If you need support or help, please get in touch on

Created by Gregory Peony