OpenStreetMap Calendar Calendar

South Bay Map Night

San Jose, California, United States

22nd July 19:00 – 21:00

Every other week, OpenStreetMap enthusiasts from across San José and the South Bay meet to share tagging advice, hatch mapping plans, and chat about the project in general. We also dabble in OSM’s sister project, OpenHistoricalMap.

If you’re new to the South Bay or OpenStreetMap, swing by at the beginning of the meeting for a friendly introduction. To learn more about South Bay OSM and what we’re currently up to, visit our homepage. Stay in touch with mappers throughout the state by joining the OSMUS Slack workspace’s #local-california channel.

South Bay OSM is supported by Open Source San José (formerly Code for San José), which connects coders, designers, and others with local civic organizations and government agencies to improve life in the South Bay. For volunteer opportunities, attend one of OSSJ’s separate Civic Hack Nights. For details, join the OSSJ Discord server.

Created by Minh Nguyen