OpenStreetMap Calendar Calendar

A Synesthete's Atlas: Cartographic Improvisations between Eric Theise and Adriana Camacho

Mexico City, Mexico City, Mexico
La Cueva

7th March 20:00

Real-time cartographic improvisations using projected, manipulated digital maps by Eric Theise, in collaboration with Adriana Camacho´s cosmic dance bass. A visual wash of street grids, land masses, water bodies, and curiosities from built and natural environments. Orphaned labels. Free-floating symbology. Space travel sounds. Saturated colors and the subtlest of tints. Jittery zooms, pans, and traversals. Glitches from crowdsourced data.

The performance will last 50 minutes and will occasionally introduce strobing effects that may affect photosensitive viewers.

La Cueva
Serapio Rendon 8
San Rafael, Cuauhtémoc
06470 Ciudad de México
pay what you will

Eric Theise is a San Francisco-based artist and geospatial software developer. Through video, performance, and works on paper he reinvigorates the perceptual inquiries of structural filmmakers, experimental animators, the Light and Space movement, and 60's light shows – with the occasional injection of letterform experiments inspired by visual poetry – as new possibilities in the realm of digital cartography.

Adriana Camacho is a Mexico City contrabass player and documentary fílmmaker active in the free jazz and free improvisación scene. Her artistic search has led her to travel, collaborate and record with artists such as Anne Waldman, Elliott Levin, Phillip Greenlief, Naima Karlsson, and Improvisation ensembles directed by Kahil El Zabar and William Parker. She is contrabassist in several ensembles: Ana Ruiz y su orquesta Kóryma, Sesión Libre trío, David Contreras Trío, No tan cuerdas, and her solo project Loope. Improvisation is the key to open new dimensions in our souls and discover new worlds.

Created by erictheise