OpenStreetMap Calendar Calendar

OSMF Affiliation Focus Group Discussion: Thematic and non-geographical groups

Online / BBB

5th April 12:00 – 13:30 (Etc/UTC)

Dear community,

We're advancing the OSMF Affiliation Models agenda, and one of the recommendation from previous brainstorming is to have focus group discussion with different stakeholders.

With this, we're inviting thematic and/or non-geographical groups and organizations to a focus group discussion on 5 April at 12:00 UTC.

Objectives of the session include:

  1. To understand different background, interest and challenges of different thematic and non-geographical organization when affiliation with the OSMF
  2. Identify areas on how OSMF and these focused groups can collaborate and/or support each other to promote OSM
  3. Suggest ways on how we can improve OSMF Affiliation Models for thematic and/or non-geographical groups and organizations

Please feel free to suggest any organization we can invite or any topics you would like to raise. We are also planning to convene another focused group discussion with geographical and/or informal local community groups so please stay tuned. Thank you for you support! We hope for a productive discussion, see you!

regards, LCCWG SubCommittee for OSMF Affiliation Models

Created by arnalielsewhere