[Online] OpenStreetMap Foundation board of Directors - public videomeeting
Thursday 24 April 2025 at 13:30 UTC - Date and time in your timezone - Countdown
Public monthly video meeting of the OpenStreetMap Foundation board. These meetings are open to OSM Foundation members to observe, and we always welcome new observers.
You can become an OSM Foundation member even for free, if you are an active OSM contributor.
You are welcome to listen and speak (or write) at the end of the meeting.
Video-meeting room: https://osmvideo.cloud68.co/user/dor-2cd-qah-rim
The video room will open ~20' before the meeting.
We ask community members to mute their microphones, and to preserve bandwidth, to refrain from turning on their webcams.
OSMF members in low-bandwidth environments may benefit from using BigBlueButton's low-bandwidth settings (click on the 3 dots, on the top-right of the black video-window).
Agenda and page for future minutes
The agenda gets locked one week before the meeting.
- Administrative
** Approval of previous minutes
** Circular Resolutions - Action item updates
- Secretary's report
- Treasurer's report
- More topics to be added
- Any other business
- Guest comments or questions
- Next meetings
Past minutes
Are at: https://wiki.osmfoundation.org/wiki/Monthly_Board_Meetings
Dates of 2025 public board meetings, until November
Please see the list below.
- 2025-01-30 at 13:30 UTC at Boardroom. Page for agenda and minutes - January.
- 2025-02-27 at 13:30 UTC at Boardroom. Page for agenda and minutes - February.
09 Mar DST change in the US, most locations - 2025-03-27 at 13:30 UTC at Boardroom. Page for agenda and minutes - March.
30 Mar DST change in Europe, most countries - 2025-04-24 at 13:30 UTC at Boardroom. Page for agenda and minutes - April.
- 2025-05-29 at 13:30 UTC at Boardroom. Page for agenda and minutes - May.
- 2025-06-26 at 13:30 UTC at Boardroom. Page for agenda and minutes - June.
- 2025-07-31 at 13:30 UTC at Boardroom. Page for agenda and minutes - July.
- 2025-08-28 at 13:30 UTC at Boardroom. Page for agenda and minutes - August.
- 2025-09-25 at 13:30 UTC at Boardroom. Page for agenda and minutes - September.
- 2025-10-23 at 13:30 UTC at Boardroom. Page for agenda and minutes - October.
Online calendar
Showing public and non-public board meetings, including face-to-face meetings, meetings with guests and some Annual General Meetings (November 2017 onward).
Add future board meetings to your calendar
If you want future board meetings to be automatically added to your calendar, you can subscribe to the following iCalendar link. Instructions on how to do that depend on which calendar software/service you use. The link is provided for your convenience. Please note that:
- It might not work when Framasoft servers experience problems.
- You might get delayed updates, depending on how often the calendar service from your side syncs/checks for updates.
- Both public and non-public meetings are added to this calendar. The later ones have a note in their description about being non-public.