OpenStreetMap Calendar Calendar

Mapathon @ UZH DSI 2025

Zurich, Zurich, Switzerland
Event Room DSI, University of Zürich

28th March 14:00 – 21:00

We’ll be mapping for a more inclusive city and for humanitarian action. We are mapping two main areas and topics: Mapping sidewalks for wheelchair access in the city of Zürich and mapping for humanitarian action.

The Mapathon is free of charge, but feel free to bring sweets. This mapathon is held in english (german is also OK).

The main sponsor is the Digital Society Initiative (DSI) of the University of Zürich (UZH). It’s also supported by Missing Maps Zürich and the International Office, Eastern Switzerland University of Applied Sciences FH OST, Rapperswil.

Join the #MapathonUZHDSI2025!

– Hoda Allahbakhshi (UZH and ZuReach) and Stefan Keller (FH OST)

Created by Geonick