OpenStreetMap Calendar Calendar

Research & Development online Mapathon to support Doctors Without Borders (online)

Zurich, Zurich, Switzerland

18th December 2024 19:00 – 22:00

Take part in our unique Mapathon!

Doctors Without Borders and Missing Maps want to improve the speed and quality of mapping refugee camps using satellite imagery in complex contexts. This is where machine learning algorithms still reach their limits, and manual mapping work is therefore urgently needed. With your help as a mapper, we can gain valuable insights into how we can improve our workflows. At the same time, you will be supporting a joint research project (Master's theses for the University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences Vienna and the University of Bonn).

Who is the offer aimed at?

Everyone is welcome, you don't have to be an expert. There will be an introduction to mapping at the beginning of the event.

What exactly is Missing Maps?

Missing Maps is a project that works worldwide to provide fast and targeted support to people in crisis areas. And you can help! In many regions where humanitarian aid organizations are working, there is no up-to-date map material. This means that, together with thousands of volunteers around the world, we can help. We create maps that actively support the work of humanitarian aid organizations! Since its foundation in 2014, the Missing Maps Project has been pursuing the goal of supporting humanitarian aid with map material.

What is a mapathon?

To facilitate our mapping work, we come together to digitally explore the regions in which we operate. Every click counts and helps to improve our activities in the field of emergency medical aid and humanitarian aid. No prior knowledge is required for mapping.

If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to contact us:

Created by MJ_ane