OpenStreetMap Calendar Calendar

Citizen Science: Kilkenny Heritage sites & Linked Open Data for Ireland's National Heritage Week 2024

Mayfair Library

19th August 2024 11:30 – 12:30

All are welcome.

This talk reflects on the experience of visiting and recording ogham stones, field names, mass paths and holy wells -and etymology- in County Kilkenny using Open Data and open source platforms. The methodology can be applied to other monument types and geographic areas. While this might sound technical, it starts with simple things like taking pictures with your phone which almost everyone can do. Why not turn your heritage site visit and local knowledge into useful data which can be harnessed by heritage societies and scholars alike?

Organised by Anne-Karoline Distel (OSM: b-unicycling), Director and blog writer at OpenStreetMap Ireland, OpenStreetMap contributor, self-employed professional musician and publisher of books on Irish nature and history under Distel Publishing. Former Webmaster, Content Manager, blog writer and podcaster at Kilkenny Archaeological Society.
She promotes the possibilities of OpenStreetMap as open source mapping tool for everyone, but especially people with an interest in history and heritage, through her YouTube channel OSM for History Buffs.
She is a supporting member of the recently founded local group Kilkenny History Mappers.

Part of National Heritage Week, a nine-day celebration of Ireland’s natural, built and cultural heritage coordinated by The Heritage Council. The main aim of the week is to promote awareness of our heritage, thereby encouraging its conservation and preservation. It is part of European Heritage Days, a joint initiative of the Council of Europe and the European Union.

Created by danieldegroot2