UN Mappers training – Validating OSM data – session #10
22nd May 2024 13:00 – 14:30 (Africa/Abidjan)
The UN Maps Crowdsourcing Team is offering a ten-session online training workshop in English on "Validating OpenStreetMap data" for experienced JOSM mappers.
The workshop will cover the following topics:
• Training Introduction
• Introduction to UN Maps
then the training will aim to teach this course available on the UN Maps Learning Hub
which consists of three main guides:
• OSM validation tools and techniques
◦ Introduction
◦ the validation steps of the OSM Tasking Manager
◦ some tools and plugins in JOSM
◦ Overpass, a technology that extracts a portion of OSM data based on various criteria
◦ Osmose, a thematic error detection service
◦ Whodidit, a service for detecting changes in data over an area of interest
◦ OSMCha, a service that analyzes all OSM changesets and compares the latest version of OSM data with the previous one, in order to detect potentially damaging contributions (such as vandalism or mass import) or contributor profiles likely to commit errors
• Interacting with the OSM contributors
◦ Introduction
◦ Goals
◦ Identify profiles
◦ Mapper types
◦ Interaction tools
◦ Messages
◦ Feedback
• OSM validation workflows
◦ Introduction
◦ Preliminary steps
◦ Places and areas
◦ Highways
◦ Waterways
◦ Bridges, fords and culverts
◦ Interactions with the OSM contributors
◦ Post-validation monitoring
Registration is now closed, but it is possible to follow as a free listener via MS Teams (click on the "Event website" button to access a Google Doc with the link).
Created by UN Mappers