OpenStreetMap Calendar Calendar

Missing Maps mapathon Žilina #13

Žilina, Region of Žilina, Slovakia
Fakulta riadenia a informatiky UNIZA

15th April 2024 16:00

About the event

What is Missing Maps?
In the majority of European countries, we can find our daily route to work or the way to our next appointment relatively easily by using apps on our mobile phones. These are based on maps that show exactly where the nearest café or bus stop is. In the countries where the "Medecins sans frontiers (Doctors without borders)" provide international support, this is often not the case. There, for example, entire cities are not shown on digital maps, making it difficult to plan relief efforts in the event of a serious disaster if you do not reliably know the size of a city that may be affected. Roads are also not digitally mapped in many regions, making it difficult to calculate the best way to get to an emergency site in an emergency or the quickest way for residents of a village or town to reach a healthcare facility. Due to this lack of map material, the Missing Maps project was launched in 2014. The aim of the project is to record and support precisely these areas with the help of the open-source platform OpenStreetMap.

Who is involved?
Everyone is welcome to join, no previous knowledge is required as there will be an introduction to mapping at the beginning.

Monday, 15 April 16-20 h

On-site (personal) participation - Fakulta riadenia a informatiky, Žilinská univerzita v Žiline (Faculty of Management Science and Informatics, University of Žilina) - RA building, RA012 room
Online participation is possible.

Please register (for on-site or online participation) ( by 15 April 12:00 at the latest and you will then be sent a Zoom link.

What do I need?
A laptop, internet, a mouse (not absolutely necessary, but makes mapping easier and faster).

Peter Márton:

Created by marton_tud