OpenStreetMap Calendar Calendar

Missing Maps London: (Online) Mapathon

2nd July 2024 19:00 – 21:15 (Europe/London)

This Mapathon will take place online! If you wish to attend please register and details for joining will be shared with you.

This event is London based in name only! Since we have moved to virtual events we have been getting attendees from all over the world - we heartily welcome this!


19:00: Introduction to Missing Maps and practical information

19:15: iD Training / JOSM Training / Validator Training

21:00: Closing discussion and potential talks

What is it?

The aim of the Missing Maps Project is to map the most crisis-prone parts of the world. With your help we can map communities vulnerable to disasters or experiencing poverty. Both beginners and experienced mappers are welcome to join this mapathon, please choose your ticket according to your level of mapping skills.

Where will we be mapping?

We will be working on high-priority projects requested by the Red Cross and MSF - TBC closer to date!

What do I need?

A laptop/desktop, an internet connection, a mouse and enthusiasm (a mouse isn't absolutely necessary but it makes mapping much faster).

If you've not already created a mapping account visit this page and follow steps 1-4:

Where is it?

This month we're all mapping remotely!

What do I do now?

  1. Get yourself a ticket for this event. currently the ticketing website will most likely throw an error when you first attempt to order a ticket, please try again and you should then be able to complete your order.
  2. Set a reminder so you remember; ticketing services may not notify you.
  3. See you online!

If you need support or help, please get in touch on