OpenStreetMap Calendar Calendar

Social Mapping Saturday: QEII 2024

Perth, Western Australia, Australia
Coffee Code, QEII, Nedlands

16th March 2024 10:00 – 13:00

Have you ever lost your way when visiting the hospital?

Join us for indoor mapping, exploring and surveying Sir Charles Gairdner Hospital and Perth Children's Hospital for OpenStreetMap. We'll be given coffee, then wander through the corridors mapping the footpaths and points of interest (POI) to help vistors nagivate their way, before sitting down for lunch to collate our maps.

New location: Coffee Code. (Was Coffee Anatomy). We'll start with morning tea (generously provided by OSGeo Oceania) and a discussion of mapping tools and techniques, before planning how we want to map and heading off in small groups.

No experience is necessary! Bring your phone (and if you're keen, see our list of recommended apps to get some ideas of how to get started). We will be printing off some Field Papers so we can concentrate on what to include and leave the technical mapping for lunch at the Food Hall, located inside the Perth Children's Hospital.

Coordination on the day will be done via the Geogeeks Slack.

Created by BudgieInWA, deanleggo