OpenStreetMap Calendar Calendar

OSMF Membership Drive - 2nd Volunteers Meetup

Google meet

17th February 2024 9:00 – 9:45 (Etc/UTC)

Hi community, scheduling a second meetup this Saturday, 17 February at 09:00 UTC to meet you team (members and leads) as well as to have a work time to brainstom ideas and discuss timelines and next steps to prepare and launch the campaign

Please RSVP / click ATTEND if you can make this time.

If you have any questions, please send it here! 🙂

Agenda: 1. Hello and Welcome 2. Review: OSMF and the Membership Drive 3. Timelines 4. Breakout room per team: - meet your team - Expectation Settings - Brainstorming 5. Synthesis and questions 6. Any Other Business (AOB) 7. Actions and next steps

Meeting notes:

See you!

Created by arnalielsewhere