OpenStreetMap Calendar Calendar

Mapathon - Maricá City

Maricá, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

24th September 2023 12:00 – 30th September 2023 12:00

The city of Maricá, in the state of Rio de Janeiro (Brazil), has several occurrences of flood events and coastal erosion, affecting houses and streets, located in the center of the city and in other areas, causing inconvenience to the population and deaths.

The data and information collected in this mapping can help in the management of disaster risk reduction (DRR) and to formulate solutions to the problems faced in the city.

This mapping has the specific objective of mapping buildings, highways and points of interest (POIs) that are important in victim relief activities, such as the location of hospitals, clinics, churches or schools.

The event of the kick-off of this maphaton will be streamed by this link, in August 24, 2023

We will keep the seven projects in the TeachOSM Tasking Manager opened and we invite you to contribute with us.

This is a project developed by members of the YouthMappers UFRJ Chapter and other collaborating mappers.