OpenStreetMap Calendar Calendar

2nd OSM Delhi Mapping Party

New Delhi, Delhi, India

20th August 2023 15:00 – 19:00 (Asia/Calcutta)

Attention, Delhiites! sahilister and contrapunctus (two experienced OSM contributors) are hosting our second OSM mapping party from 3 PM to 7 PM on Sunday, the 20th of August. Let's come together to map an area as best we can, and enjoy an evening of food and chatter with the OSM community of Delhi.

We were having a hard time deciding on a place to map, so we ask for your suggestions! Any place with low OSM coverage - missing shops, addresses, street names, place names, and so on - is ideal.

People of all experience levels are welcome, including first-timers. If you've never mapped before, we have experienced mappers who will be happy to -

  1. Help you create your account

  2. Teach you how to use StreetComplete/Vespucci/Go Map! to make basic edits

  3. Introduce you to Organic Maps and/or OsmAnd to make use of the data you add.

Those familiar with the above can choose to map away in a group setting, pick up new tips and tricks, and/or learn new mapping techniques.

Useful equipment to bring along - Android or iOS smartphone with about 500MB free space, a power bank, a charging cable.

If you are interested, please write an email to with -

  1. your name and contact number

  2. the venue(s) of your suggestion

  3. any accommodations you'd like us to make regarding time, venue, equipment (e.g. you don't have a smartphone), etc

Please invite as many people as you can. Let's strengthen and expand the Delhi OSM community!

Created by contrapunctus