OpenStreetMap Calendar Calendar

#OSM18 meet-up in Manila

Manila, Philippines
Asean Garden, Muralla Street, Intramuros

13th August 2022 15:00 – 15:40

Are you interested in places and maps? Open mapping enthusiasts in Manila are organizing a flash meet-up to celebrate OpenStreetMap's 18th cakeday! #OSM18

What to expect? We can tell you how to get Libre/Free maps, talk about map apps, and there will be those who can share more technical info. We'd be happy to just chat about the weather, too. 😄

Meet-up spot: The ASEAN garden is along Muralla Street, in Intramuros. Go in thru Parian Gate, then over the moat and to your left is the garden itself. After entering the garden, walk across the second bridge, past Ho Chi Minh's bust, and proceed to an ornamental fountain next to it.

Bring yourself, or come with a friend or two, and meet volunteers from the local OSM community.

Reminder: Everyone is expected to wear a mask, and follow current health protocols.

Created by GOwin