OpenStreetMap Calendar Calendar

OSM Africa Monthly Mapathon: Map Mauritania


8th January 2022 13:00 – 16:00 (Etc/UTC)

OSM Africa Monthly Mapathon is an initiative to support OpenStreetMap community development in Africa. The aim is to bring OSM communities across Africa together to learn from each other, network, and grow the spirit of collaboration while contributing data to OpenStreetMap.

Join the January edition hosted by the OSM Mauritania community as we contribute to one of their ongoing projects.

In this event, you will be able to:

Join breakout rooms according to mapping experience. Beginner mappers will learn how to map; Join breakout rooms according to language( English, French, Swahili, and Arabic); Network with OSM Africa community members from all over the continent; Participate in lightning talks. This mapathon will be hosted on Zoom and coordinated by OSM Africa with support from the Open Mapping Hub - Eastern and Southern Africa.

Created by Laura Mugeha